Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Project outline

Latest research question: How does branding (specifically branding in the form of advertising) reflect the role of women in Dutch society, which is widely considered to be throughly progressive?

My project is based almost solely on observation backed up by research. I may perhaps be adding a survey, but I need to look into that further before I decide.

For right now, my project is based in the idea that I am "close-reading" the advertisements I find to see what I can glean about them. Namely, I am looking at how Dutch advertisers reflect women in their ads and how representative this is of Dutch society as a whole. I currently have some books out that may provide a more applicable framework. I currently can draw many connections, however, between how Mieke Bal's article "Telling, Showing, Showing Off" was formed and my own project. Her close-reading of the Museum of Natural History had many parallels to my own project in looking at how opinions could be found in the text and layout of an area.

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